Ergonomic evaluationSetting you up for success

ergonomic evaluation
Is your workplace optimised to minimise ergonomic risks to your employees? Can your workplace accommodate the specific requirements of an injured worker?

It’s amazing what a visit from Corporeal Health will do to increase an injured worker’s comfort and productivity in the workplace.

By examining workstations and how duties are performed, you can make a few simple changes and positively impact on a worker’s long term health and performance, thus reducing the likelihood of Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS).

How it works

An ergonomic evaluation carried out by our local qualified team, aims to enhance an individual’s working environment by minimising the risk of further injury, promoting health and well-being, and improving work efficiency.

Our assessment is designed to educate and inform a returning injured worker or employees in general, on the potential risks that exist between a worker, their equipment and environment, and how it can be corrected through ergonomic practices. Some of the factors we take into consideration include posture, repetition of tasks, speed of task completion and rest breaks.

We will recommend practical solutions for addressing risks unique to your workplace, including optimal workstation set up, and suggest (as required) any additional tools and equipment that will aid in enhancing comfort and minimising injuries.


An ergonomic assessment is beneficial to everyone in the workplace, not just an injured worker because it:

  • Identifies ergonomic risks and prevents an injury or illness from occurring.
  • Avoids fatigue and inefficiencies resulting from poor posture and work practices.
  • Educates employees on ways to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and other health related issues.
  • Improves productivity and performance.
  • Promotes active self-management of workstation setup and ergonomic practices.
  • Provides recommendations regarding appropriate ergonomic equipment.

Could your business benefit from an ergonomic evaluation? Contact our local ergonomic experts or call (08) 9622 5940.

Contact us at Corporeal Health or submit an inquiry online today.

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