New employer servicesA fresh start
If you are unable to return to your place of original employment due to sickness or injury, help is at hand.
Securing employment outside of your current workplace isn’t always easy if you live regionally or in a remote location. At Corporeal Health we can assist you in making a successful transition.
The injured worker, their treating doctor or the insurance case manager can initiate new employer services.
How it works
Injured workers who are unable to return to their pre injury employer are often doubtful about their future. Many are not aware of the vocational retraining options available to them and what assistance can be provided to find new employment.
Being a locally driven service provider, we have first-hand knowledge of the regional labour market in WA. We leverage our networks and connections to guide you through the job seeking process, and facilitate employment prospects for clients that are meaningful, safe and durable within local communities. Services we provide may include:
- Career counselling
- Vocational/ functional capacity assessments
- Skills training
- Interview preparation
- Application writing/ resume writing
- Job seeking services
We understand job seeking can be a drawn out process, which is why we offer ongoing support to ensure you stay committed to finding new employment.
Discover how we can help you get your life back on track. Contact us or call (08) 9622 5940.