Work Site AssessmentEnsuring a safe return to work

work site assessment
Do you know the actual physical demands of your job role? Can the role be performed more safely, or efficiently, to minimise risk of injury?

A work site assessment will assess the physical demands of a specific job role, and identify whether an individual would benefit from modifications to the workplace or their specific duties. By addressing these factors you will facilitate a safe and happy return to work for your injured employee, aid their performance and avoid injury recurrence.

How it works

Our local qualified team will visit your workplace and review the current working landscape against the individual’s physical and cognitive abilities, and address any limitations. Liaising with the injured worker and management, we will identify suitable duties post-injury and determine the employee’s return to work requirements, recommending changes that will benefit both parties.

The information gained from this assessment will also assist medical personnel and insurers to achieve effective rehabilitation and return to work outcomes.


Conducting a worksite assessment is essential to helping an injured worker ease back into the working environment and advance their performance. Other benefits include:

  • The injured worker has a clearly defined plan, which outlines their tasks, risks and goals to achieve a successful return to work
  • Provides the treating medical practitioner and other health professionals with a clear picture of what the employee’s role entails
  • Captures the employee’s capabilities and constraints within the workplace
  • Facilitates clear and meaningful communication between the injured worker and employer in regards to rehabilitation and returning to work.

To have a qualified professional visit your workplace, contact us or call (08) 9622 5940 to get started.

Contact us at Corporeal Health or submit an inquiry online today.

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